Monday, December 19, 2011


{I could use a nap, like these guys...}

I had an incredible weekend - on Friday I ran errands, got a birthday haircut, and stayed up way late cleaning the apartment (too excited to sleep). On Saturday, my uncle Dale paid us a surprise visit and took us out for a birthday lunch (complete with a dessert mimosa, yum!). When we got home, we cooked and cleaned some more until a record number of guests arrived and got the party started. At the end of night, new friendships had been born, plans had been hatched, there was a friend sleeping on our couch, and a pile of stuff needed to be cleaned up and put away.

Sunday was spent recovering and hanging out with said friend - playing video games, manicures, a bang trim, eating birthday cake, and a loooooooong chat on the couch. Then there were phone calls and a Skype session and cuddle time with my husband.

In the whirlwind, I took an insufficient number of fort photos, so I'm fixing that tonight and doing a post tomorrow. Today I've got a pile of chores and dishes to plough through... wish me luck!